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About the action

15 years of development. 10 countries. 1 place. Together with 9 other countries which are celebrating the 15th anniversary of joining the EU along with Poland, we are organising events under the slogan “Europe Can Be More ... thanks to Cohesion Policy.”

When the action takes place?

To find out how much and in what areas “Europe Can Be More ...” thanks to EU funds, we invite you to Brussels between 7 and 10 October 2019. The events will take place on the occasion of the European Week of Regions and Cities. 

What is the main idea?

During the events, we will show that thanks to the Cohesion Policy funds entire Europe develops. We want to present our voice in the discussion on the future Cohesion Policy taking place for quite some time in a more vivid and tangible way, without columns with charts and spreadsheets. We will prove this by showing concrete examples from Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Cyprus, Malta, Slovenia and Slovakia.

Where we will be present?

We will be present with our action simultaneously in many locations in the European capital, including the Square conference centre, the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU, the Parc du Mont des Arts city park, permanent representations of 3 countries and selected offices of Polish regions.

  • In the BCC Square conference centre you will meet visionaries and inventors, see how modern vehicles and devices work, and move to virtual reality.
    • We will organise, among others, the Virtual Reality stand, presentation and display of video materials and photos from 10 countries, demonstrations of innovative prototypes and products, e.g. Triggo electric vehicle, prototype of an innovative foot-operated hand prosthesis, age simulator, avalanche system in a life jacket, 3D-printed wheelchair, life-saving band, intelligent home stethoscope or innovative greenhouse plant lighting system.
  • For those who want to not only touch and get to know modern products, but also feel their effects on their own skin, feel the wind swaying, the rain falling, the sun shining and how the forests in Poland smell, we have prepared a real attraction. Odlotowa Kapsuła (Awesome Capsule) with a 5D cinema and a virtual, sensational journey along the Green Velo bike trail.
  • Fans of the work of the one of the most worldwide famous composer will be able to listen to numerous recitals of Fryderyk Chopin's music, and amateurs of computer games play the record-breaking game The Witcher.
  • Multimedia material and photo exhibition will be presented at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU.
  • We have prepared mini photography exhibitions in the Representations of Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Malta to the EU and offices of Polish regions. 

The presence in Brussels will be complemented by the website as well as actions in the social media of the Ministry of Investments and Economic Development and foreign partners.

European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels

It's an annual four-day event during which representatives of EU institutions, European regions and cities, entrepreneurs, experts, scientists and journalists share good practices and expertise in the field of urban and regional policy development in the EU. It is a kind of political communication platform regarding its development.

This year's programme focuses on the following main themes: the future of the EU, European regions and cities, greener, more intelligent Europe, cities, regions and continent connected better, more socially coherent Europe.

5000 participants and around 200 journalists from all over Europe (event's website: and the world are expected at the entire event. Nearly 350 meetings, thematic panels, debates, lectures will take place, including the formal gala of awarding the European Regiostars 2019.

“Europe Can Be More... thanks to Cohesion Policy” is the largest promotional campaign organised as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

The organiser and coordinator of the multimedia event “Europe Can Be More ... thanks to Cohesion Policy” is Ministry of Investments and Economic Development in Poland. We are cooperating with the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU, offices of Polish regions in Brussels, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and the permanent representation of Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Malta in Brussels, the Ministry Agriculture and Rural Development, the Polish Development Fund Foundation, the Managing Authorities for the National Operational Programmes, 16 Managing Authorities for Regional Operational Programmes, selected Intermediate Bodies of NOPs, the Fryderyk Chopin Institute, the Regional Tourist Organisation of the Świętokrzyskie Province and selected beneficiaries of EU funds.

The main partners of the Ministry of Investment and Economic Development in the organised promotional campaign are: the National Support Centre for Agriculture, The NIFC Fryderyk Chopin National Institute and the Central House of Technology. 

More information

Video materials from the EURegions Week 2019 Closing ceremony