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A master of life

A test on making your bed, shopping, zipping your coat, making tea, using a photocopier, a mop and the Word processing software? That’s right! The innovative motivation system for people with intellectual disability is based on the scouting merit badge system.

The system has been designed by Danuta Kłopocka, the President of the Gdynia-based Foundation Adapa, together with psychologist Agnieszka Wróblewska. In her younger years, Danuta Kłopocka was a girl scout. Today, she is a mother of an almost adult son with autism.

The foundation team has listed 80 daily tasks and designed a master badge for each one of them. ‘To win a badge one needs to take the test. There is no lenient treatment, because if we are there to teach them self-reliance, the stress will always be there. Tests are organised twice a year. To become a master, you need to complete five steps without any external help. The steps are described in detail in a manual. If only three steps are completed, a person can attain the title of journeyman,’ says Danuta Kłopocka.

This innovative solution has been developed together with the Social Innovation Laboratory based in Gdynia as a part of a joint project. The project has been implemented in partnership with the Warsaw-based Pracownia Stocznia (or Shipyard Foundation). ‘We are not interested in using expensive technologies but an affordable innovative solution. Such solutions are often simple but powerful enough to make a true difference,’ says Katarzyna Ziemann, the Deputy Director of the Laboratory. ‘Our innovators worked meticulously by testing every solution to eradicate any flaws. Today, we are sure that each and every solution is worth recommending,’ adds Zofia Komorowska from the Shipyard Foundation.

Project in figures
- 80 developed master titles
- Over 100 people in the programme
- Over 600 master titles awarded

This is exactly what happened with our ‘Masters’! The innovative solution led to the publication of a manual and an album for stickers and badges. The latter is now used by all Professional Therapy Workshops in the Pomorskie Region. Moreover, the Adapa Foundation has already started working on another set of master skills. We are keeping our fingers crossed!

Project: Human scale innovation – support to micro-scale innovation in caregiving for dependants
Project cost: PLN 2.9 million, including PLN 2.75 million from the European Social Fund, Knowledge Education Development Programme